Putting curiosity into action
Microsoft: May'22 - July'22
I worked with Digital Security and Resilience team at Microsoft India on intelligent attribution of control failures. My work involved querying millions of data records for dynamic feature extraction, designing and implementing a scoring heuristic, and finally, deployment on a queue-triggered Azure Function App. I recently wrote a blog on my interview and internship experiences for EE Student Association website.

TU Braunschweig: May'21 - Aug'21
I worked with Dr. Nicolai Spicher and Prof. Thomas Deserno on multi-camera and multi-person indoor activity recognition for continuous health monitoring using long short-term memory and our work was accepted in SPIE Medical Imaging 2022.

Fraazo: Dec'21
Working at Fraazo, a D2C delivery startup for fresh farm produce serving ~200k households was an exhilarating experience. The energy and work culture at Fraazo was very different from other internships. I worked there as a backend engineer to develop new internal APIs as well as improve the efficiency of existing ones using Ruby on Rails and Active Record Query Interface.